
Centre Hours

  • Monday to Thursday: 10am - 3pm, Friday 10-1 Saturday Mornings 10-1 when staff are available.

Contact Details

Willunga Environment Centre

Janine Anninos, Manager

15 High St
Willunga, SA 5172
08 8556 4188 




Chairperson - Vic Rowe 85564188

Secretary - David Gill   

Treasurer -   

Committee Members

Wendi Avery 85564188

John Edmeades 85564188

Ray Mines WRC willungarepaircafe@gmail

Tess Sapia 85564188

Murray Lamshed 

Janine Anninos





 About the Willunga Environment Centre

The Willunga Environment Centre is located in the thriving village of Willunga on the Fleurieu Peninsula. The township is surrounded by the coast and vines, and offers a diverse range of successes and challenges when it comes to good Environmental Practices.

The Centre was first established in 1995 as the "Willunga Landcare Group" to provide a community based information and liaison service to support local groups.

In August 2005, the Centre expanded as part of the new Australian wide program of integrated Natural Resource Management. On October the 1st 2005, a new committee took over the management and gave the Centre the new name "Willunga Environment Centre Inc". 

The Centre is one of eight Natural Resource Centres/ Environment Centres funded by Landscapes SA Hills and Fleurieu Board and Greener Adelaide. The centre is staffed by volunteers and a part time Manager. 

Since its rebirth as the Willunga Environment Centre Inc, the service has become a thriving centre for community to access up to the minute information on Natural Resources, including topics such as recycling, weed management, biodiversity and conservation and land management. The centre also offers a broad range of brochures, resources and equipment, as well as providing workshops and public forums. WEC operates as a tourist information centre.

The WEC supports local action groups and individuals creating a difference, including Willunga Hills Face Landcare Group, Trees for Life, Bush for Life, Friends of Willunga BasinFriends of Aldinga ScrubLets South, Willunga Basin Walking Trail , Time for Life, Folk of all trades, and work closely with Onkapringa CouncilWe also carry a wide range of brochures about these and other groups. 

The WEC is  home to YACCA, our youth group (youth and community in conservation action), a group of dedicated young environmentalists from 12-19 who meet regularly at the centre and beyond. 

We have regular sewing bees to create shopping bags worthy of design medals! We also run a stitch n' fix program where you can learn new sewing skills! Watch our events page. 

We are home of the Willunga and Kangarilla Tree Trail Projects, and the McLaren Vale Cellar door trail.  See the brochure on our home page.



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