Get Involved!

Our weekly YACCA sessions teach and hold activities to build knowledge and experience in the environmental field. Some learning activities include plant identification suiting both beginners and advanced, water testing and assessing creek health at the local Wirra Creek reserve and training in caring for sick and injured wildlife. Through these activities and skills and knowledge attained, YACCA members are able to contribute to many community environment spaces, camps in South Australia and interstate, and Australia-wide forums!

Activities, lessons and opportunities through YACCA include:

  • First aid training
  • Work health and safety training
  • Cultural awareness training
  • Plant identification skills
  • Creek health monitoring
  • Knowledge of plant associations and habitat types
  • Environmental awareness
  • Skills in trapping and handling native wildlife
  • How to care for sick and injured wildlife
  • Leadership
  • Freshwater health
  • Ability to create management plans
  • Contributing to environmental forums
  • Reefwatch intertidal monitoring
  • Hooded plovers
  • Excursions and camps
  • Project management
  • Planting Days
  • Recycling and upcycling
  • Learning skills to begin a Conservation and Land Management Cert II at Tatachilla Lutheran College

Plus, we always cater to your interests and where you would like to go with your learning and experience building.

YACCA sessions are held at the Willunga Environment Centre during the school term. Meeting days are as follows:

Mondays: 4pm for members aged 13-18

Thursdays: 4pm for members aged 8-13

Monday evening 5pm: YACCA leaders, aged around 16-20.

Curious about the YACCA leaders?

This is an opportunity for YACCA members who are interested in leading their own projects or teaching younger members. Generally, these members have been in the group for several years, and are quite experienced - however, we are always willing to learn more!

Please contact our YACCA team (employees and volunteers) for more information on , or contact the Willunga Environment Centre on 08 8556 4188 for a message to be passed on. We also regularly monitor messages on our Facebook page. You will be invited to attend a YACCA session to try it out, and a membership form and more information will be emailed to you. We are always happy to answer any questions!

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